SomeTraining Days Suck

We’ve all had those days when we walk into the gym and we’re stoked about being there.  Even if we know the workout is going to wreck us, for some crazy maniacal reason we can’t wait to get in there and suffer with other athletes who have similar dreams. Even as coaches we walk into the gym and hit it. Those days when flow is achieved and the weight seems to move itself.

Yesterday, for me, WAS NOT ONE OF THOSE DAYS!

I’ve been a bit under the weather the last few days and I hoped a good workout would get my motor moving at the speed it usually functions.  I was wrong.  Weights that normally feel light were moderately heavy, sets were exhausting, the warm up was blah and I left the workout feeling about the same as when I walked in – meh.

BUT, what was amazing was the fact that I felt better mentally. Something clicked a bit for me.

It won’t always work out this way. I know there will be days when workouts suck.  There will be days when I lift more than ever, perform above what I thought I could.

Run faster.

Jump higher.

Push harder.

Go longer. 

The whole lot.  

There will be workouts that I feel great physically, but mentally I’m somewhere else.  I know this because I’ve been consistently working on my fitness and health with purpose for well over a decade and I’ve experienced the ups and downs, the highs and the lows.

Regardless of where you’re at on the “Chart of Progress”, some days simply suck.  But your attitude will determine whether you quit or go on.  Your attitude determines if you are back in the gym tomorrow busting your hump, or if you’re back into your old groove of life – stuffing your face with a heaping bowl of Braums Cheeseburgers followed up by a gargantuan bowl of ice cream tuning into a Netflix binge session. But it could be different.

I hope that today, you can be encouraged by my terrible workout session.  If nothing else, know that you are not alone.

Here’s to looking forward to tomorrow while living in glorious suffrage of today.

Keep moving forward.


Athletes Can Help Us Be Better Parents… If We Will Let Them.


In A Previous Life